The company was initiated thanks to the willpower and the perseverance of forward-thinking people. They were moved by an overwhelming passion for the innovation and development of agriculture and agricultural processes.
From these values arose the idea of founding the Clamj Central Dairy in 1960, in order to provide the final consumers with a reliable and high-quality product, which could successfully pass through all the strict and necessary quality and safety controls which were performed at that time by the Sanitary Inspection Office.
In 1985 a group of cooperative members took over from the former owners. They had the brilliant intuition of creating, through a path of aggregation of small dairy farms and numerous breeders scattered around the territory of Marche region, the Trevalli Cooperlat, which became in time one of the most successful and influential Italian entity in the national and international dairy industry.
Now as then, the Trevalli Cooperlat has its strong points deeply rooted in the cooperative values. The company, paying specific attention to maximum professionalism, pursues a policy aimed at developing new concepts of products, conjugating technological innovation and tradition, always maintaining and developing a level of excellence along the whole supply chain.
The Trevalli Cooperlat contributes at supporting a cooperative system of the Italian milk industry through the aggregation of firms, the promotion of the territory, local specialities and people and the creation of common added-value for all its associates.
The whole thing proceeds, day by day, in full compliance with the company’s core principles: tradition, territory, quality, and innovation.