
Sustainable development
that embraces the economic, social
and environmental

It is an undelayable task for every type of economic organization the necessity to undertake a responsible behavior to not compromise anymore the equilibrium of an economic, environmental, or social system.

As a Cooperative venture deeply rooted in the territory and profoundly convinced of the goodness of the territorial heritage, the Trevalli Cooperlat approach is most closely related to the concept of Common Added Value. According to Trevalli Cooperlat, the term common added-value includes, rather than just attention to a good cooperation, thus care for the support of the work and the revenues of the conferrer associates and, more in general, of the whole zootechnical-agricultural industry, also the larger extent of the creation of fruitful collaborations with entities well accredited on the territory, from which a good synergy could spring, as well as long-term projects, both useful to the improvement of people’s quality of life.

All this results in operative choices which contribute to safeguarding the zootechnical-agricultural sector and the small and medium-sized local producers, thus, determining the so-called positive externalities, which can be summed up in impacts on:

  • the Defense of the territory and small communities of local producers: restraint and reduction of the hydrogeological instability, maintenance of the biodiversity and control of processes of compulsory urbanization.
  • The protection of the rural employment: long-term period approach aimed at protecting the local culture and traditions, other than the safeguard of a product of granted provenience.
  • The Virtuous Farm Model: a reduced environmental impact together with the integration between agricultural production and breeding lead to the creation of an operational cycle that improves the management and the exploitation of the resources. From an environmental point of view, this represents a reduction of the air, soil and water pollution.

Summing up, always keeping in mind the mutuality- one of the founding principles of the cooperation - Trevalli Cooperlat wants to implement a sound and good management activity, without neglecting the promotion of a culture able to reinforce the bond with the territory and its products, the care for a more sustainable development and for more socially responsible actions.

Perchè la creazione di valore condiviso non può passare attraverso un'azione filantropica di breve periodo, ma piuttosto attraverso un approccio di lungo periodo che coinvolge tutto il sistema aziendale. Le imprese devono riconciliare il successo economico e finanziario con il progresso sociale e ciò non può prescindere da una comprensione profonda dei bisogni della societa’ e dalla capacità di collaborare con associazioni senza fini di lucro. 

The creation of common added-value cannot derive from a short-term philanthropic dedication, but on the contrary, it can be obtained from a long-term philanthropic approach which involves the whole corporate system.


Generally, the cooperative ventures have to face hard and controversial situations. In fact, it is hard to find a perfect combination between short-term necessities- to maximize the profits of conferring producers- and long-term necessities- for the achievement of long-lasting competitive advantages over the competitors in a market more and more characterized by the concentration of supply and the reduction of the product lifecycle.

Trevalli Cooperlat, distinguendosi nel panorama della cooperazione agro-alimentare Italiana, ha scelto di abbandonare la strategia di nicchia, che peraltro l'aveva distinta nei primissimi anni della sua attività, per intraprendere la strada dello sviluppo dimensionale. Nel tempo questo, ha consentito di far leva sul cash-flow generato dalla gestione corrente e di evitare il ricorso al mercato finanziario. Questa maggiore capacità di autofinanziamento ha consentito di sostenere programmi di investimento tecnico-produttivi di lungo periodo, l'acquisizione, la ristrutturazione ed il risanamento di altre aziende lattiero-caseario e, contestualmente, di aumentare i mezzi propri e contenere al minimo il rischio finanziario.

Trevalli Cooperlat, standing out from the stage of the Italian agri-food cooperation, chose to abandon the niche strategies, which have been a distinctive point in its early years of activity, to undertake the path of the dimensional development. This, in time, permitted to leverage on the cash-flow obtained from the current management and to avoid resorting to the financial market. This major ability of self-financing allowed to support long-term technical-productive investment programs, the acquisition, the reorganization and the rebalancing of other dairy companies and, contextually, allowed to increase our own resources and to minimize the financial risk.


Trevalli Cooperlat has a well-defined policy for both Quality and Environment. The ambitious objective of industrial rationalization and of excellence, as well as all the production processes- from the supply phase to the packing of finished products - are performed with full respect for the surrounding environment.

For this reason, from 2012, Trevalli Cooperlat operates by means of its own Environmental Management System (EMS), certified UNI EN ISO I4001.

The system has been implemented as to guarantee the achievement of the objectives and principles established by the environmental policy while executing/implementing/developing its own operations/activities and controlling the entire channeling system. Listed below the objectives of the Environmental Policy:

  • Carry out the maximum effort for the safeguard of the Environment in which the company operates;
  • Prevent all the eventual forms of pollution and pursue a sustainable development;
  • Protect the workers’ and collectivity’s health; 
  • Respect all the laws, the legislation and the applicable guidelines.

The EMS model, an organizational system, which constantly need to be surveyed and periodically revised, follows the process of the PDCA (Planning, Development, Control, Action), a cyclic dynamic which retains inside the principle of the “never-ending development” and which allows to answer to the variable conditions of internal and external factors.

The current challenges in the field of Environmental Policy:

  • Placement of a cogeneration plant for the reduction of electrical energy costs and improve the general efficiency of an energy resource.
  • Further simplification and improvement of the efficiency of the EMS with regard to the experience earned in 5 years of management.

Click on the following image to consult the monitoring system of emissions in the atmosphere.

The dedication of Trevalli Cooperlat in the field of the environmental sustainability is recognizable also in its emblematic product, the milk. In fact, the milk has been certified with the quality brand of the Marche region, QM. The QM quality brand is a eulogy to the agri-food productions of our territory, it guarantees the origin, the quality and the traceability of our products and ensures major clarity for the consumer.


The Solidarity has a lot of worth for Trevalli Cooperlat. The cooperative venture for some years now has been participating to several initiatives in favor of the most disadvantaged categories and has been promoting projects concerning social responsibility and solidarity, involving also its own consumers.

The project “Alimentiamo la vita”, in collaboration with “La Lega del Filo d’Oro”, the project “Abbraccia una Mamma”, realized to support the “Gruppo Abele” and the initiative “Scuola di Latte”, which has been promoted in Marche and Abruzzo regions. Multi-year projects of social solidarity, to witness the long-term strategic effort of the Trevalli Cooperlat