Our Mission “to be professionals in dairy products, cream and vegetable fats based products, favoring also the development and the growth of associated firms in different territorial scopes of operation“ is made explicit through the valorization of the associates’ conferred milk, in compliance with regulations in force. The respect of regulations and the regulations themselves are fundamental guidelines for a correct management of the company, which adopts the Cooperative Venture through the agricultural supply chain as an organizational model.
The Trevalli Cooperlat Senior Management pursues a customer policy, which is focused both on the internal and external customers.
Trevalli Cooperlat works hard to know its customers’ needs to be able to satisfy them by providing products and services consistent with their expectations.
The reference points established by the Trevalli Cooperlat senior management, for what concerns the growth of the company in terms of market share, sales volume, and profitability, are listed below.
1. Customer-Market Orientation, with the aim to:
- Grant the compliance of all products/services with all regulatory standards about quality, hygiene, genuineness, and food safety;
- Develop the products range by adopting advanced technological systems and by monitoring the customers-competitors market searching for an opportunity for growth and improvement;
- Support a company culture focused on the continuous improvement of the customer satisfaction system;
- Grant the stakeholders’ satisfaction, through the analysis of the business context and the promotion of the exploitation of the approach based on processes and risk-based thinking.
A policy for customers to:
- build, with consumers themselves, a bond of trust, offering them safety and reliable products thanks to the continuous attention paid to the high quality of the raw materials used, to the self-control exerted in all the phases of the production process, to the effort in R&D and to the fruitful partnership with suppliers. Our task is to produce foodstuffs without GMOs (GMOs-free) and to assure the clarity about allergens on the label.
A policy for suppliers to:
- select suppliers with honesty, always evaluating professionalism and qualitative standards;
- consolidate the relationship through partnerships;
- establish clear standards for all.
A policy for suppliers to:
- select suppliers with honesty, always evaluating professionalism and qualitative standards;
- consolidate the relationship through partnerships;
- establish clear standards for all.
2. Optimization of available resources, through policies for the personnel, the territory, the financial community and the associated partners.
A policy for the personnel to:
- select suppliers with honesty, always evaluating professionalism and qualitative standards;
- consolidate the relationship through partnerships;
- establish clear standards for all.
A policy for the territory aiming at reserving the maximum attention to the environmental safeguard, by minimizing environmental impact and carbon footprints and by complying with environmental laws in force through:
- an efficient and organized waste management, favoring reclamation and recycling;
- the optimization of the resources and raw materials exploitation, with a specific attention to water consumption, to the chemical additives usage and to the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions;
- the compliance with environmental laws and regulation and having a special consideration for the latest “green” solutions
- a preventive control of the environmental impact of the new activities;
- the elimination or the reduction of environmental pollution with the best technologies available in so far as it is economically sustainable;
- the prevention of accidents which could involve environmental issues and the restraint of eventual consequences with the crisis management planning;
- the growth and the valorization of HR and competencies present in the structure of the company, whose activities provoke or may provoke a significant environmental impact.
A policy for the financial community to:
- consolidate the bond of trust with the financial community through promptness and maximum clarity in the information communication.
A policy for the associated firms to:
- help their reinforcement and renewal, by granting synergies of investments and sharing competences
- guarantee a development-oriented efficient management
- reinforce the Corporate Image by strengthening the common culture and thanks to the realization of homogeneous policies
3. Continuous Development of performances, by means of:
- processes and organizational flows monitoring aiming at identifying eventual causes of inefficiency with the objective of reducing costs as to be more competitive.
In order to reach established objectives, the Senior Management, in parallel with a careful re-examination of the product/process system, commits itself in the promotion and the support of the research and the profitable exploitation of resources, of technologies, of techniques, of methods, of organizational solutions and adequate management systems. Moreover, the Company directed its attention towards new environmentally sustainable productions (certification RSPO) and towards cultures different from the western ones (Halal and Kosher certifications), also aiming at adapting all the organizational processes to the international hygienic and safety standards required: BRC (British Retail Consortium), IFS (International Food Standard) and ISO 9001:2015.
The environmental policy represents a responsibility for the personnel of the Trevalli Cooperlat, who always struggle to achieve and improve the following goals:
- to respect the environmental laws, legislation and applicable regulations;
- to guarantee the protection of the environment and to work for a sustainable development;
- to protect the environment by strengthening the environmental performances, also adopting and maintaining a management system;
- to assure that all those who are working for the Trevalli Cooperlat are acting in compliance with the environmental policy in force;
- to guarantee that the major suppliers and partners are performing their activities in accordance with the binding environmental laws;
- to formulate, to the extent that it is possible, objectives of improvements of the environmental performances which, established by the Senior management, will be documented and communicated to the workers, to the suppliers, to the inspection authorities, and to all the stakeholders;
- to perform periodical controls of the environmental management system to assure the conformity to the policy, to the laws, to the applicable prescriptions and to the requisites of all the stakeholders.
Shown below the certifications achieved by each of our production factories.