Main courses

Seitan Medallion with Cooking Cream, Mustard and Pink Pepper

Ingredients for cooking
  • 4 Seitan medallions
  • 200 ml Trevalli UHT cooking cream
  • 2 teaspoons pink pepper
  • 60 gr mustard
  • Flour q.s.
  • Salt
  • Vegetable Broth
  • Salad mix
  • Evo oil

Bread the medallions with the flour.

In a non-stick pan heat a drop of oil and brown fast the medallions on both sides. Mix the mustard with the Trevalli UHT cooking cream, salt, pink pepper, and add to the medallions. Cook the seitan for 8/10 minutes more, stirring and adding some ladleful of vegetable broth if they are drying too much.

Serve with salad mix as a side dish.


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