Rinse carefully the quinoa; boil it in salty water and drain.
Boil the potatoes, mash them with the potato masher and add the quinoa, the egg yolk and the grated parmesan. Mix and season with minced parsley, salt and 3 spoons of Trevalli UHT béchamel. Gently oil your hands and start to shape the mixture in “meatballs”. Bread the meatballs with the breadcrumbs and lightly brush them with oil.
Bake at 200° for 15-20 minutes.
Sauce: Cut away the points of the asparagus and blend 400 gr of them with salt and black pepper while adding the remaining quantity of Trevalli UHT béchamel. Cook the sauce for 3-4 minutes putting a flake of Trevalli butter in. Check if it the sauce is savoury enough.
Skewer the quinoa meatballs alternating one quinoa meatball and one point of the asparagus previously saved. Serve with the asparagus and béchamel sauce.
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